What do we not know about wines?
What do we not know about wines?
Wine is an alcoholic drink by the fermentation of grapes or grape juice. The word comes from the Greek language for and from the Latin language for vīnum. Drinks similar to wine can also be made from other fruits. The word wine itself means grape wine. This terminology is often prescribed by law.
Grint Hotel in Golem offers the best quality wine on the market, below you will find some additional information about the wine.
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Some things we don’t know:
1. Most wines are served in glasses that have a mouth narrower than the bottom so that the aroma is concentrated and goes in one direction. The thinner the glass, the better.
2. When you taste the wine, hold it in your mouth for a moment or two and then swallow it. A good wine will leave the taste in your mouth for a long time.
3. Red wine, more than white wine, has antioxidant properties and contains an element that is important for the cardiovascular system.
4. California, New York and Florida lead the US in wine consumption. California is the fourth country in the world for wine production, after France, Italy and Spain.
5. Wine testers swirl their glass to allow the wine to release its aroma. Most do not fill the glass more than a third.
6. When wine and food are combined together, they create a synergy or a third flavor beyond what the drink or food can offer separately.
7. There is a right and wrong way to hold the wine glass. The wine glass should always be held by the stem and not by the rim because the heat of the wine will increase the temperature of the wine.