What do we not know about wines?
What do we not know about wines? Wine is an alcoholic drink by the fermentation of grapes or grape juice. The word comes from the Greek language for and from the Latin language for vīnum. Drinks similar to wine can also
Cfare nuk dime per veren?
Cfare nuk dime per veren? Vera eshte nje pije alkoolike qe prodhohet nga fermentimi i rrushit ose lengut te rrushit. Fjala vjen nga gjuha greke per dhe nga gjuha latine per vīnum. Pije të ngjashme me veren mund te behen edhe nga fruta te tjera.
Hotel Grint offers Seafood. At Hotel Grint, seafood dishes are not only enjoyed in summer, but in every season of the year. The strong aroma of the sea that they convey, but also the taste that is hard to compare with
Gatime deti
Hotel Grint ofron gatime deti. Ne Hotel Grint gatimet e detit nuk shijohen vetem ne vere, por ne çdo stine te vitit. Aroma e forte e detit qe ato percjellin, por edhe shija qe zore se krahasohet me dicka tjeter. Ato