Hotel Grint offers Seafood.
At Hotel Grint, seafood dishes are not only enjoyed in summer, but in every season of the year. The strong aroma of the sea that they convey, but also the taste that is hard to compare with anything else. They make seafood a real thrill-seeker. And a stronger emotion than that of tasting good food, hard to find these days!
Where can we enjoy them without worry, how often do we think of seafood dishes?
Only one answer comes to mind: “HOTEL GRINT“. It is enough to take a look at the dishes to understand the true talent of the kitchen in this restaurant.
Seafood dishes are among the best sources of vitamins and minerals that the body and brain need a lot, especially in summer.
Why are seafood dishes useful?
1. Reduce the risk of heart attack.
Heart diseases have a high prevalence in our country. Experts say that abundant consumption of seafood can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Once or twice a week reduces the risk of mortality from these diseases by 36%.
2. The Best Source of Vitamin D.
Humans get vitamin D mainly thanks to exposure to the sun, but sea products are among the best food sources of this vitamin.
3.Sleep Quality.
Consuming three servings of seafood per week is believed to improve sleep quality and brain function. This, according to experts, is attributed to the high content of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.
4. Azma In Children.
A Danish study has revealed that if children regularly consume fish. They are less at risk of asthma. According to the study, children who start consuming fish and especially fish when they are 12 months old are 36% less at risk of asthma.
5. Seafood for Brain Health.
Eating fish and sea food regularly improves brain health. The omega-3 fatty acids found in these products improve memory and daily brain functions.