How to choose a hotel?
How to choose a hotel? The most important thing is of course the location of the hotel, and if you are only going somewhere for a few days, it is better to pay a little more for accommodation than to spend
Oferta e fundvitit
Oferta e fundvitit Festomi sukseset e vitit ne Hotel Grint Menu e perzgjedhur duke nisur nga 2500lek/personi. Ju mirepresim! Per me shume vizitoni website tone Hotel Grint ose vizitoni instagramin tone @grint.hotel
Cfare nuk dime per veren?
Cfare nuk dime per veren? Vera eshte nje pije alkoolike qe prodhohet nga fermentimi i rrushit ose lengut te rrushit. Fjala vjen nga gjuha greke per dhe nga gjuha latine per vīnum. Pije të ngjashme me veren mund te behen edhe nga fruta te tjera.
Restorant per dasma
Restorant per dasma. Jeni duke kerkuar nje restorant per te festuar dasmen tuaj? Ne ju sugjerojme Hotel Grint ne Golem, sepse eshte padyshim me i miri ne vend. Organizojme dasma, fejesa dhe evente te tjera familjare. Ky restorant gjendet ne Golem,
Hotel in Golem
Hotel in Golem. Are you planning a vacation in Durres? We have a perfect place for you and your family. We can mention Hotel Grint which has a capacity of 59 rooms. Rooms are double, triple and quadruple. Hotel Grint