Hotel ne Golem Durres
Hotel ne Golem Durres. Po kerkoni nje hotel per pushimet tuaja por nuk dini ke te zgjidhni? Ne ju rekomandojme hotel Grint ne Golem Durres. Ai eshte nje hotel me kater yje i pozicionuar ne bregdetin e Durresit. Vendndodhja
Prodhime deti
Prodhime deti. I ndodhur pergjate vijes te rivieres te bregdetit Adriatik ne Durres. Ju sygjerojme te vizitoni Hotel Grint dhe te provoni shijet plot fines, delikatese, plot freski dhe cilesi! Ky eshte restoranti qe fjalet jane te teperta, ju mbetet
Restaurants in Durres
Restaurants in Durres. Restaurant Grint is the newest and probably one of the coolest restaurant in Durres. Located in the middle of the fantastic coast of Durres, in one of the most frequented areas of the coastal city. Known for its
The best restaurant in Golem
The best restaurant in Golem. Restaurant Grint is the newest and probably one of the coolest restaurant in Golem. The interior of the restaurant is very modern with big windows, a transparent kitchen where you can see the chef cooking your
Restorant ne Golem
Restorant ne Golem. I vendosur ne Golem e si te mos ndalosh nje here per te shijuar gatimet e peshkut. Perpos pamjes se mrekullueshme qe shtrihet perballe tij, kush deshiron qe te haje krudot me te shijshme ne Golem, duhet
Hotele ne Golem
Hotele ne Golem. Po kerkoni nje hotel me 4 yje ne Golem? Mund te permendim Hotel Grint i pozicionuar tek Pishat e buta, Rruga Ismail Qemali, Golem. Hotel Grint ka nje kapacitet prej 59 dhomash. Ato jane te kategorizuara ne
Hotel Grint ne Golem
Hotel Grint ne Golem. Po kerkoni nje vend per te kaluar pushimet? Kur rezervoni per pushime, gjetja e hotelit te persosur eshte nje pjese shume e rendesishme e procesit. Do te na besonit nese iu themi qe hoteli i persosur
Ways to Improve Hotel Guest Experience
Ways to Improve Hotel Guest Experience. Meeting and exceeding your guests’ expectations is the gold standard of the hospitality industry. The problem is, hoteliers are constantly engaging in guest experience one-upmanship, raising customer expectations with every feature that goes from